
“There is no other local publication as eye-catching and fun as Unleash Jacksonville!
~ Gary the Poodle,
Neptune Beach ~

The only requirement to fancy this fancy magazine is a love of animals! Two-leggers of all ages, races, genders, moods and hunger levels look forward to each delightful and illuminating issue.

Unleash Jacksonville is published every other month on eco-friendly paper with soy-based inks, because … why cause more harm than good?

We’d like to thank you for being a great person.
And also for reading.

If you’d like to be part of the Unleash Jacksonville family … well … we’re thrilled for you to get to know us better. Not every one is a good fit. First, please ask yourself if you and your business or product fit these criteria:

• Do you consider yourself a business owner who cares about people, pets, and our environment?
• Do you consider your product healthy for the people, pets, and environment it touches?
• Will you pay your invoice on time?

If you answered an emphatic YES to all three, we will proudly take your money in exchange for space on the Unleash Jacksonville website or in Unleash Jacksonville magazine …  unless you are a pet store that sells animals or a breeder. We do not advocate those shenanigans.